
The connected store: technology is changing the role of the sales assistant

“The connected store is a necessity”: that’s how Henri Seroux, Senior Vice President EMEA of Manhattan Associates begins in this video interview conducted during the World Retail Congress.

Omnichannel in fact brings with it a change in the role of physical stores and of how new generation sales assistants must operate in assisted sales, particularly in the clothing and luxury goods sectors, but not only. To provide an excellent service, in fact, they must know the online and offline history of the customer, ensure completion of the order process, facilitate cross-channel returns and exchanges and accelerate payment and check-out.

Today’s sales assistants no longer remain behind the counter or at the till, but are constantly on the move inside the store, creating a new class of sales consultants (sales, customer service and order completion assistants) with specific skills able to ensure the best shopping experience possible, across all channels.