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Minister Guidi: deregulation, soon a new set of rules


Will this be the time something really happens in terms of deregulation of OTC medicines and fuel service stations?

Speaking at the European Competition Day, organised by the Italian Competition and Market Authority (AGCM) within the scope of the Italian Presidency of the EU, the Minister of Economic Development, Federica Guidi, announced a forthcoming package of deregulation in various sectors. The Minister explained that competition is key to economic growth: “We must remove constraints and barriers to promote competition and growth. Eliminating barriers to market entry, to entrepreneurial activity and to exit from the market of inefficient companies is essential to progress”.

This is the context of the deregulation package soon to be approved by the Government, the draft of which has recently been circulated:  the next annual law on competition should contain measures concerning insurance companies and banks, the professions and medicines.





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