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Surgelati, si punta a un rilancio anche nel Food Service

Con la riapertura di mense scolastiche e aziendali, il settore degli alimenti surgelati punta a rilanciarsi anche nel Food Service dopo che nei primi 4 mesi del 2020, a causa dell’emergenza Coronavirus, questo canale ha segnato perdite per circa 150 milioni di euro.

Parliamo di un segmento che nel 2019, prima dell’emergenza legata al Covid-19, ha superato una quota del 37% del totale dei consumi di alimenti surgelati nel nostro Paese registrando ottime performance e attestandosi a 318.500 tonnellate (+1,1% sul 2018). Tra i prodotti più consumati nel settore del Catering nel 2019, ci sono stati i vegetali (173.500 tonnellate), le patate (75.000 tonnellate), i prodotti ittici (20.000 tonnellate), le carni rosse e bianche (14.600 tonnellate), pizza e snack (14.600 tonnellate), i piatti ricettati (13.600 tonnellate), frutta (3.000 tonnellate) e le paste semilavorate (2.300 tonnellate).

“Il lockdown in generale, con la chiusura delle mense scolastiche, dei bar, di ristoranti e quant’altro ha colpito molto la nostra economia. Anche il settore degli alimenti surgelati, che in generale ha visto crescere i consumi nell’ambito del retail, ha però segnato pesanti perdite nel fuori casa. Ora che la riapertura delle scuole si avvicina, gli alimenti surgelati si apprestano a recuperare un ruolo da protagonisti sulle tavole degli italiani. Chi lavora nelle mense scolastiche e aziendali, nei bar e nei ristoranti, infatti, ne apprezza la velocità della preparazione, l’opportunità di poter contare su stock di materie prime adeguate – anche a fronte di una domanda difficile da quantificare – fino alla riduzione degli sprechi. Senza considerare la sicurezza alimentare che, in questo ambito, è elemento imprescindibile più che mai. Insomma, siamo certi che anche su questo fronte i consumi di alimenti surgelati saranno pronti a ripartire”, ha spiegato Vittorio Gagliardi, Presidente IIAS – Istituto Italiano Alimenti Surgelati.


Host 2015, beginning on 23 October, almost sold out already

Un momento della conferenza stampa di presentazione di Host tenutasi a Expo presso Identità Golose.

The edition of Host that will be held at fieramilano from 23 to 27 October, a stone’s throw from the Expo that will be coming to an end then, is going to be exceptional. The exhibition brings together under the one roof the whole HoReCa and retail chain, where it will be possible to see the all the latest developments from coffee mixtures to makers, from fridge units to contract furnishings: 1,748 exhibitors have already signed up and the total is expected to reach 1,900, 38% of whom will be from abroad, divided among 14 pavilions, +2 compared to the 2013 edition for a growth of +12% in the floor space used. This year a part of the exhibition will be dedicated to commercial refrigeration.

In three macro-areas that bring together similar chains and dedicated to: Professional Catering with Bread-Pasta-Pizza; Coffee-Tea with SIC – Salone Internazionale del Caffè, Bar -Machines for Coffee – Vending and Ice Cream-Pastries; Furnishings and Tables.

Germany, France, Spain, the USA and Switzerland are the countries that are best represented, with large delegations from the more dynamic economies. 135,000 professionals and 1,500 top buyers from 60 countries will meet, as well as incoming missions from promising markets in collaboration with ICE, in a context enriched by a busy timetable of events.

The advance of the “Grocerants”: John Lewis opens more Rossopomodoro restaurants

Saving time, quality and health, but also convenience: these are the factors that are driving the advance of the “Grocerants”, i.e. restaurants, refreshment areas and bars opened inside a supermarket (Grocery stores, hence the “mishmash word”). A trend which in countries such as Canada, the US and the UK is booming. And which is much appreciated by Millennials: foodies, in a hurry and often skipping meals just to keep up with their social or business commitments, and who appreciate stores able to have a “holistic approach” to food. Above all, they appreciate the opportunity to save time by having a bite while shopping.

The latest confirmation comes from John Lewis, a British high-end store, which has decided to introduce another ten Rossopomodoro restaurants (in the picture the last opened in London) and Joe & the Juice cafés within the next year in its stores in the UK. The two chains are also present with temporary premises on the summer terrace of the John Lewis flagship store in Oxford Street in London, which already has two Ham Holy Burger and Rossopomodoro restaurants.

According to Carman Allison, VP of Nielsen Consumer Insights, the presence of fresh and healthy ingredients is one of the keys to success, along with a diversified offer designed to meet the tastes of increasingly demanding and curious foodie customers. “Supermarket sales are static and people tend to spend more on eating out. Retailers are trying to intercept this market”.

The ideal offer is that which includes fresh food, sushi and salads, but the more savvy retailers are starting to “create environments”, perhaps with a “fireplace corner” that makes customers feel like they are “in a restaurant”, but also lets them just drink a glass of wine or a beer as an aperitif, as already happens at Eataly Smeraldo.

The strategies are different: the store can sign a partnership with veritable chains which are already structured, as John Lewis did with Rossopomodoro, but also “supply” the catering area with the offer of the store, for example by offering a sushi at the fish counter or even cooking the fish purchased by the customer who can sit down and eat on site. Multifunctional areas are on the rise, such as the new Sapori&Dintorni in Naples which, in the Gourmeet area, works alongside a bistro and “Bombe”, a restaurant designed by the Michelin three-star chef Niko Romito and managed by the students of his cooking school, where you can buy its famous street food.



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