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The advance of the “Grocerants”: John Lewis opens more Rossopomodoro restaurants

Saving time, quality and health, but also convenience: these are the factors that are driving the advance of the “Grocerants”, i.e. restaurants, refreshment areas and bars opened inside a supermarket (Grocery stores, hence the “mishmash word”). A trend which in countries such as Canada, the US and the UK is booming. And which is much appreciated by Millennials: foodies, in a hurry and often skipping meals just to keep up with their social or business commitments, and who appreciate stores able to have a “holistic approach” to food. Above all, they appreciate the opportunity to save time by having a bite while shopping.

The latest confirmation comes from John Lewis, a British high-end store, which has decided to introduce another ten Rossopomodoro restaurants (in the picture the last opened in London) and Joe & the Juice cafés within the next year in its stores in the UK. The two chains are also present with temporary premises on the summer terrace of the John Lewis flagship store in Oxford Street in London, which already has two Ham Holy Burger and Rossopomodoro restaurants.

According to Carman Allison, VP of Nielsen Consumer Insights, the presence of fresh and healthy ingredients is one of the keys to success, along with a diversified offer designed to meet the tastes of increasingly demanding and curious foodie customers. “Supermarket sales are static and people tend to spend more on eating out. Retailers are trying to intercept this market”.

The ideal offer is that which includes fresh food, sushi and salads, but the more savvy retailers are starting to “create environments”, perhaps with a “fireplace corner” that makes customers feel like they are “in a restaurant”, but also lets them just drink a glass of wine or a beer as an aperitif, as already happens at Eataly Smeraldo.

The strategies are different: the store can sign a partnership with veritable chains which are already structured, as John Lewis did with Rossopomodoro, but also “supply” the catering area with the offer of the store, for example by offering a sushi at the fish counter or even cooking the fish purchased by the customer who can sit down and eat on site. Multifunctional areas are on the rise, such as the new Sapori&Dintorni in Naples which, in the Gourmeet area, works alongside a bistro and “Bombe”, a restaurant designed by the Michelin three-star chef Niko Romito and managed by the students of his cooking school, where you can buy its famous street food.

The memory mirror makes its debut in Neiman Marcus: and the real fitting room becomes virtual

Mirror mirror on the wall do I look better in the red dress or the blue one? It will be easier to answer this crucial question thanks to MemoMi, the memory mirror of MemoMiLabs Inc, for the time being installed in Neiman Marcus stores in San Francisco.

The mirror, which is actually a screen with a camera, has three key features: it provides a 360° view of the person, it stores and compares the “try-ons” of the various garments and allows immediate sharing on social media to seek the advice of friends and relatives. In short, this screen promises to integrate real and virtual experiences, just what the customer of the Third Millennium is asking for.

Memory Mirror – The World’s first Digital Mirror from MemoMi Labs Inc on Vimeo.

And it’s not just an isolated case. At the end of 2014, Rebecca Minkoff, in association with eBay, opened an interactive store in New York with “smart” screens in the fitting rooms showing digital content, allowing customers to browse the store catalogue and interact with staff and suggesting complementary items.

More than a war between real and virtual, therefore, alliances are being forged which at the moment are finding their expression in fashion.

Ds Group inaugura la digital boutique multicanale con Samsung, Microsoft, Sap e Intel

Arriva la boutique digitale per i brand della moda e del lusso, insieme opportunità di competitività e di crescita e possibilità per i clienti di accedere a un’esperienza di acquisto coinvolgente grazie all’interazione tra internet e il punto vendita atraverso dispositivi smart.

A lanciare la soluzione omnichannel è DS Group, azienda italiana di consulenza ICT specializzata nella progettazione e nello sviluppo di soluzioni applicative mobile multipiattaforma e multidevice; fra le aree di maggiore focalizzazione per DS Group vi è la Digital Retail Experience, in cui ha affiancato nei percorsi di innovazione e di digital transformation marchi prestigiosi come Valentino, Calzedonia, Luxottica, Pinko.

Sulla base di tali esperienze nel retail e grazie a un ecosistema di partner leader di mercato come Samsung Electronics, Microsoft, SAP, Intel, Ingenico, Motorola, DS Group ha creato la Digital Boutique, spazio tecnologico basato sull’integrazione fra dinamiche proprie del retail e tecnologie digitali che oggi è possibile visitare presso la sua sede milanese. Un centro di eccellenza sul modello di negozio innovativo che DS Group sta progettando insieme ai propri clienti.

Centrale è il ruolo dei partner tecnologici che hanno partecipato al processo creativo e di sviluppo, operando con il team di DS Group; la Digital Boutique è quindi dotata delle migliori tecnologie per un modello di Multichannel Retail Experience di avanguardia. In particolare, Samsung Electronics ha fornito schermi LFD, videowall, soluzioni di digital signage e tablet per la cura degli aspetti tecnologici visuali; Microsoft, oltre a fornire i tablet Surface Pro 3 e gli smartphone Lumia 1520 e 830, ospita ed eroga l’intera piattaforma tecnologica attraverso la propria piattaforma cloud Azure; Intel ha supportato il progetto fornendo le tecnologie innovative in grado di migliorare la relazione con il cliente (soluzioni di digital signage) e per la gestione e l’analisi dei dati di mobile payment (dispositivi NUC – Next Unit of Computing). Sap Mobile Platform ha permesso di gestire soluzioni di mobilità su larga scala, basandosi sull’integrazione della migliore tecnologia mobile Sap in un’unica soluzione end-to-end.

Il layout e l’estetica di questo spazio sono stati realizzati dal designer Alessandro Luciani con i canoni di una boutique di lusso per struttura e stile; lo showroom di Milano propone quindi un percorso fisico ed emozionale attraverso le tecnologie digitali, seguendo le tappe che portano a una nuova esperienza d’acquisto.

Le tappe del tour tecnologico nella Digital Boutique

Cuore di tutta la struttura è Combenia, piattaforma che DS Group ha sviluppato specificamente per il retail per integrare le diverse tecnologie; ogni tecnologia supporta una tappa specifica dell’esperienza di acquisto.

1 – Si parte da riconoscimento e mappatura (Store Analytics and Virtual Check-In) del cliente che entra nel negozio: attraverso tecnologie di rilevazione fra cui telecamere, beacon e wi-fi, mappa gli ingressi della persona e la permanenza nello store e ne individua le caratteristiche principali (può essere usata anche fuori dalla vetrina per quantificare le presenze dei passanti nei diversi momenti della giornata); permette quindi di identificare e profilare il consumatore e attuare comunicazioni personalizzate.

2 – Seconda tappa, Interactive Digital Signage: un grande schermo, per mezzo di una web cam incorporata, proietta video e contenuti personalizzati proponendo outfit diversi a seconda del sesso e della fascia d’età della persona.

3 –  Hybrid Shop Experience con tavoli e totem touch interattivi che permettono al consumatore l’e-shop direttamente nello store: mentre prova un capo, può selezionare ulteriori misure e colori da catalogo e ordinare modelli non disponibili in negozio, con consegna successiva a casa o altra destinazione;

4 – Smart Dressing Room: il camerino multimediale che, all’ingresso del cliente, effettua la rilevazione dei capi muniti di tag in transito, consentendo alla marca di effettuare statistiche tra il provato e il venduto e profilare le preferenze delle persone; inoltre, può raccogliere feedback sull’abito provato attraverso lo specchio touch screen interattivo che, adeguandosi alle scelte del cliente comunicate con un ‘tap’, propone altri outfit o prodotti;

5 – Mobile Payment: i dispositivi mobili dedicati al pagamento, fra cui il Mobile Pos, che, sempre mantenendo massima sicurezza, smaterializzano il punto cassa eliminando le code e le attese e garantendo flessibilità e comodità.

Ogni momento della customer experience è disponibile e governato da un dispositivo mobile in dotazione allo store manager e allo staff in store, messo quindi nelle condizioni di mappare e seguire il cliente in tutte le fasi dell’esperienza di acquisto, fornendo da un lato un servizio a valore per il consumatore, dall’altro raccogliendo dati preziosi per l’analytics/intelligence dello store e del brand.

The excellences on show at the Conad hypermarket in Corciano

The Conad hypermarket in the Quasar shopping centre in Corciano, in the Province of Perugia, is particularly interesting for two reasons. Conceived in the design phase as a Conad-Leclerc hypermarket, after the end of the collaboration with the French retailer, it took a different route, organising its retail space more in line with the Conad sales philosophy, limiting non-food to one-sixth of the available space. The second reason is that the display formula will probably be adopted in the future by other stores of the second Italian retailer.

Pac Pac 2000a is the first cooperative of the Conad system with 3.31 billion euros turnover achieved with 1122 stores in Lazio, Umbria, Campania and Calabria, with a total of 612,478 square metres.

Founded 15 years ago, the project has undergone a series of reorganisations up to the current format: 5000 square metres with a strong emphasis on fresh produce, which covers 44% of the sales area. 1,500 square metre are dedicated grocery, 800 square metres to non-food and the remaining 500 square metres to promotions.

From the structural point of view, a double stoneware flooring was chosen: with a light wood effect for non-food and darker effect for fresh produce. The aisles are spacious: 2.1 metres in width.

The check-out barrier is partially visible from the gallery and is adjacent to the 100-seat restaurant. Along the gallery is the space for the optician (70 square metres and 700 articles) and the parapharmacy (100 square metres with 9000 articles).

But it is in food, as we already mentioned, that the theme of excellences on show is developed, reinforced by vocalism and supported by effective communication

The processing departments are on show. Preparation of mozzarella with local curd, fresh and egg pasta using flour from local companies and free-range eggs, hand-cut ham, according to the tradition of central Italy, with hams obtained from the local breeds.

The Sapori d’Italia (Tastes of Italy) butcher offers 15 types of sausages and 12 types of hamburgers based on regional recipes, with a show hanging room. The product selection also includes meat from local farms identified by the photos of the farmers.

The bakery department offers 40 varieties of bread and 80 varieties of fresh and dry pastries made in the internal bakery with local raw materials and yeast. For baking, pellet-fired ovens are used.

The integration of “home-made produce” and consumption takes place in the food court, with the Sapori&Dintorni (Tastes&Thereabouts) ice-cream and yoghurt parlour, the sandwich bar (again Sapori&Dintorni), the pizzeria with wood-fired oven, the take-away delicatessen, the self-service cafeteria and the fried-food shop.

This video shows the fishmongers



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